Wednesday, 27 March 2013


This post is dedicated to a lecture presented on the theme of Urban Architecture.
A recent debate argues that our local Trinidad is post modern, while others were contesting this theory. This post seeks to highlight the architectural factor that can be considered to give insight into this fascinating topic.
Architecture, as it is defined, is both the process and the product of designing environments for people which reflect a range of practical and aesthetic considerations (Hall and Barrett, 2012).
A facet of architecture as we know it as defensive architecture, which is described as the dystopian side to post modern architecture. Why? Because it is designed to exclude 'undesirables' as beggars or rough sleepers from the public realm (Pacione 2009). The cities of the world, namely post modern cities, emplyed various strategies to keep such 'order.' For e.g.
 (Source: New York Times, March 4th 2009)
So where does that leave Trinidad? How does Trinidad compare to the 'cities of the world?' Well, to put it simply....we accommodate the homeless! Want proof? Check my picture at the top of this post! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Is there any defensive architecture in TT to prevent homelessness? -- or do we just have defense "officers" who protect public spaces from "privatization"in the form of home-making?
