Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Oh This Colourful Man!

I see this guy almost everyday. Actually every time i leave my house I see him. But what adds dimension to this is that he is ALWAYS, like leterally ALWAYS dressed in different clothing every time I see him.  And when I do see him, he is occupied attending to his own business. So the picture above he is sweeping the pavements, even though he has no "boss" to tell him what to do. (I asusme he is his own boss). But in the pictures below, he is seen dressed in totally different clothing. This man, to me, has one of the most colourful personalities. At times I would see him sitting on the pavement, quietly fiddling with his fingers, then a sudden burst of of ravenous laughter!!! (muhahahaha) Other times he would be sweeping cooly and calmly, then a sharp attack of the broomstick! (quite frightening I might say!) he would hit the broomstick to severely against the ground, breaking it, then cooly gather the pieces together in a nice arrangement. Then you might see him passing by you on the road and just grinning at you, in the most uncomfortable way (sighhh!!!!). This guy is a trip! He is colourful!!!
 But what I found interesting was that there were books and articles published showing a direct correlation between homelessness an mental health. In fact, in a survey of hospitalized vagrants done by German psychiatrist K. Wilmanns, he found that 120 men and women had been committed with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Furthermore, American workers Faris and Dunahm suggested that the prevalance of mental illness was higher in what they termed 'the disorganized community.' (D. Bhugra," Homelessness and Mental Health." 2007). The numerous reports and writing published based on this hypothesis startled me, because it seems as if it was an obvious conclusion that 'must have been drawn.' (smh!) What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think research here in TT might also show that. Did you find any articles?
